Custom LinkToMarkedPoint for labeling purposes

By Nặc danh - tháng 6 10, 2011

Occasionally customers will submit requests in which are wondering if it is possible to label a single corridor link in their section view using code set styles. The answer is yes, this is possible, but it requires a little bit of “legwork” to get the desired results.
In this particular example I would like to label the slope of my sidewalk. In order to achieve this single label on your sidewalk, you will first need to create a MarkPoint subassembly. We’ll start by launching the Tool Palettes (CTRL+3) and selecting the GENERIC tab. Down at the bottom you will find the MarkPoint. Clicking on this will reveal the Properties dialog and here we will supply this point with a name. In this instance I am simply going to be calling this point SLOPE. We need to name this so we can then point our LinktoMarkedPoint subassembly to it, and you will want to name it something appropriate and easy to remember in case you have multiple MarkPoints in the same assembly.MarkPoint
After naming your MarkPoint select the left end point of the sidewalk subassembly. You will see a little indicator that the MarkPoint has nowsidewalk_pointbeen placed. Now we will add the LinkToMarkedPoint from the other edge of the sidewalk linking back to this SLOPE MarkPoint. You will find the LinkToMarkedPoint just above the MarkPoint in the same GENERIC tab in the Tool Palettes. Select this subassembly and in the Properties we are going to “link” it to our SLOPE MarkPoint.
In the resulting Properties dialog, ensure the you enter the MARKED POINT NAME as the MarkPoint we created, in this case it was called SLOPE. We will also want to give this link a new name, for this example I layout_modeused SLOPE_LABEL. Back in model space you will select the other edge other the sidewalk, pay no attention to the “layout mode” you have displayed now on your subassembly as this will not reflect the final product. At this point the link created for labeling is now finished.

Moving on to editing the code set style to reflect this label in section view. Start with editing the code set style you have applied to your cross sections, in my case it is ALL CODES. Select the LINK at the top on the CODES tab, right click and ADD. Here we will add the new code, and I will call it SLOPE LABEL. This new link will default to NEW CODE, so you will need to change this to the name of your new link, which in this case is SLOPE_LABEL. Now we can assign the Label Style in the same dialog. In my case it has defaulted to so I am going to change it to STANDARD which is a default Link Grade label, but you can change this label to display what you need.
Now all you need to do is click APPLY>OK and your single code set label now displays for your sidewalk slope. This can be used to produce any number of labels, so give it a try, I think you’ll like how it turns out.

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